Comments on: Caroline – Tweed & Faux Leather Jacket (12.27.12) The Bold and the Beautiful Fashion Finds Thu, 03 Jan 2013 15:56:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pdub Thu, 03 Jan 2013 15:56:48 +0000 Hi Leandra. I am with you that I want quality clothes, and I want them to be fashionable. Zara certainly makes modern designs, and at a reasonable cost, but my personal issues with them are how they ultimately they get these clothes to us. They’ve been sued by designer brands for knocking off their designs, which I think questions their ethics. But more importantly I’ve read reports of complaints about the poor factory conditions where their clothes are manufactured, and with people not making a living wage. Most recently I read this article stating that they use hazardous chemicals to manufacture their clothes, which affect the environment, the workers and the customer…with these chemicals on the clothes when we buy them. . On the plus side, Zara is aware that they are producing toxic clothes and are committed to fixing this over the next 7 years. Having said that I will still report what B&B is dressing the gals in, but for me personally, I am looking a lot closer at my own buying decisions. If it means I spend a little more, and maybe buy a few items less this year, but the clothes were mindfully made, then I am good with that. And I certainly don’t want to be a total downer on my site that is intended to be fun,…but I struggle with promoting them. B&B picks a lot of great brands who do have a solid supply chain, I wish they would pick more of those, or re-style their existing wardrobe; which is also inspiring for us gals on a limited budget. Happy New Year, and sorry for the delay in response, the holidays were a bit hectic. Feel free to contact me anytime, warm regards, pamela

By: Leandra Sat, 29 Dec 2012 00:20:42 +0000 Hi. I was just wondering why you don’t believe in the fashion brand Zara? I love their designs and they don’t have too bad of prices. Did you have a bad experience with them? Just curious…every girl wants quality for what they pay for. 😉
