Katie – Black & White Dress (5.18.12)

Don’t you just love Fridays? For so many reasons. And in the Soaps world it is like Christmas every Friday, being left with a huge gift to marinate on all weekend long. I don’t want to spoil storyline too much JUST in case you haven’t seen this episode yet. Let’s just say it involves the star of our post today and her delicate dedicated husband Bill.

Let’s get to the dress. What do you think? Here’s what I like about it. I like the draping, the asymmetry, and the very unexpected way the contrast colors work; with the black on back wrapping forward into the bodice. What I don’t like about it. I think it’s about 4 inches too short on Katie on the shortest part of the hem, and the cut is, well, kind of unusual. Unless Katie is pregnant in real life (oops I just blew the story line), then this dress seems too baggy. Maybe it is supposed to be a looser fit, if so, I’m not a huge fan. Which is unusual because I LOVE Helmut Lang, and I also love how Katie looks in just about everything. Or maybe if the fit is intended to be looser then it may work better on someone like Carolyn or Steffy. I find myself wanting to love it, but I can’t. Maybe on Monday it will grow on me. Here’s the Real Deal:

*Request* Caroline – Spike Necklace (4.24.12)

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the key to finding all of Caroline’s jewelry is to find the designer. All of her accessories have this similar bold, edgy vibe. I don’t know who that is yet so I’ve only been able to find some similar styles at this point. I am not giving up hope though for the Real Deal. Here are some similar versions if you want to go tribal this summer though:

Update 7.10.12: One of our fabulous readers Laurie found the Real Deal version of this necklace!

Steffy – Eyelet Top (Italy)

I want to go to Southern Italy! I want to go to Southern Italy! And I want to wear an off the shoulder eyelet top like this. And ride a scooter. And drink wine. And get a great tan and wear this top (but not a cropped one for me) and with a neon belt like Steffy.  Here are a few options to get the look:

*Request* Steffy – Lace Dress (Italy)

What a simple, yet gorgeous look. Here’s the deal though, I am working off of photos released from the filming, so I can’t quite tell exactly what I’m looking for here. At first glance, it looks like an antique lace overlay dress. At second and closer look it looks like a lace overlay maxi skirt, with a white tank and tan belt. It really does. I don’t know if this outfit will be airing so I can get a better look, so the best I can do for now is to give you a couple options for skirts so you can make the look yourself. I found one similar dress.

Caroline – Bright Yellow Dress (5.14.12)

How many people can wear this color and look gorgeous? Well Caroline is one of them. She does a little color blocking with the wide cobalt belt and cuff bracelet, then balances with a nude shoe. Smart. Otherwise 1985 would be staring us in the face.  Instead she has a pulled together and modern look. She may have the tiniest waist in LA too. Here are some versions if you are feeling brave:

Steffy – Chiffon Halter (5.11.12)

I shouldn’t ever harsh on Caroline for office appropriate garb because this one has Friday night cocktail-ing written all over it. Chiffon halter with leather pants, I mean c’mon…Steffy looks glam, sexy and cool. I’ll be honest the only criticism I could possibly make is that makeup just got too excited with the eyes here. I cannot find the Real Deal (and I would like to say ‘yet’), and trust me I looked, because I want this halter. The back black sheer paneling makes it. So if you by any chance find it before I do, let me know and I’ll be sure to give you credit. In the meantime, here are some similar Real World versions.

Allison – Cobalt Blouse (5.11.12)

Allison is a hoot, she gives it right back to Bill. Her character is certainly developing some great sarcasm chops. I’m also happy to see wardrobe putting her in some bright colors. Looks how in-sane this color looks with her blond hair. This looks great with her black pants, or try a pencil skirt, or color block with some colored skinny jeans. Nice. Real Deal and Real World versions:

Brooke – Tweed Suit (5.11.12)

Elegant up top, party down below. This is what I would call an oxymoron of a dress suit, and I think it rocks. What I love about it is that young gals can wear it and still look young and sassy yet sophisticated, and more seasoned gals can still look sophisticated but still show their sass. Make sense? The dress with the jacket is anywhere appropriate, then get a happy hour cocktail or 5 and take that jacket off and show off your fringe party dress. And perfectly appropriate for Brooke I might add. The Real Deal by Theyskens’ Theory (sold separately).

Hope – Polka Dot Skirt (5.11.12)

Again, I nearly fell our of my chair when I saw Hope wearing black, and for a second day in a row. But then I realized the color was navy. But I laughed when the camera panned down to her polka dot skirt. I’m not laughing at the outfit ( it’s cute), I was laughing because of the last post I just made commenting on her wearing of polka dots. I hope you aren’t in love with the skirt because it is sold out. May be worth checking back or on ebay. Some similar versions out there though to get the look. I thought the simple fitted T worked, and so did the orange purse (not shown obv):